Test Chamber 19 Portal

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Posted: Admin

Game Of War Change Kingdom

A list of topics along with suggestions to further enhance the gaming experience. Jake said:So I kinda agree with you about B7 and D3.Not sure about D1 Port Requests, cause you can just ask your ordermates for rssAnd what do you mean in B2.- Combine Marches by sending them to the same location.?

Posted: Admin

You Will Die Mod

This is a really awesome idea! It looks like that mod is somewhat abandoned at the moment, and seems to have some limitations / problems judging from the comments on it.It would be nice if such a mod could add multiple options with a configurable MCM menu - for instance, you could configure the chances that you will appear in a city at a temple (as mentioned above), the chances that you will appear in the wild where-ever you got knocked out, the chances that your gear would be stolen or not, and how much would be stolen, etcetera. Could be very nice!Edit: Some other semi-related mods for referenceEdit: just heard that another great modder is working on a project like this right now, so perhaps there will be another alternative in the near future from the sound of itEdited by egocarib, 01 December 2013 - 04:04 PM.

Posted: Admin

Forgotten City Skyrim Mod

The Forgotten City, a time-looping murder mystery which won an Australian Writers Guild Award as a mod for, is becoming its own game. Developers Modern Storyteller announced last night that they’re “re-imagining” The Forgotten City as a standalone game in Unreal Engine.

Posted: Admin

Roadtest The Digilent Analog Discovery 2 Labview Home Bundle

The Digilent Analog Discovery Toolkit for LabVIEW makes it easy to automate your Digilent instruments with LabVIEW software. This API supports Analog Discovery, Analog Discovery 2, and the Electronics Explorer. It includes analog and digital measurement VIs that allow you to specify the number of samples and at what rate you want to acquire. These simple VIs enable you to enjoy all the features of the LabVIEW environment, allowing you to take full advantage of these powerful measurement devices.Support InformationThis product is supported by the third-party provider and not by NI. For more information, contact Digilent at:Website: The Third-Party Add-Ons for LabVIEW on this page are offered by independent third-party providers who are solely responsible for these products.

Posted: Admin