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Teletandem is a virtual autonomous VoIP technology-based context (webcam images, voice and text). Within this context, two students help each other learn their native (or other) language through intercultural and linguistic collaboration. Performative Theory can shed light on the constitution of these students' national identities, as they engage in linguistic performances of marking and discussing differences between their countries during teletandem. Based on critical approaches to discourse and intercultural communication, my analysis shows that this online intercultural contact opens innovative possibilities for foreign language teachers to promote intercultural contact with 'the different'.
However, without teacher mediation, teletandem interactions may fall into shallow performances of sedimented and pre-given representations of self and other. Subsequently, this article concludes with a discussion of relevant pedagogical points for foreign language teachers.Key words: teletandem; tandem; telecollaboration; performativity; foreign language. IntroductionCurrent technology has advanced and simplified the use of computer-based teleconferencing amongst peoples of different nations and languages, transcending geographic and national boundaries, thus making it accessible to people of diverse social levels and professions. Focus on the cultural dimension of this online webcam communication is necessary in order to fully understand the intercultural discourse that underlies this type of interaction ( ). In turn, deepening our understandings of the discourses in these virtual intercultural contacts seems to be important for strategic, political, pedagogical, and educational reasons, among others. Moreover, we have been increasingly dealing with it in our daily lives when interacting with others through the internet, tablets, smartphones, and even the most updated telepresence and hologram technologies.Teletandem is a virtual, autonomous, and collaborative context that uses online teleconferencing tools (text, voice, and webcam images of VoIP technology, such as Skype) to promote intercontinental and intercultural interactions between students who are learning a foreign language.
During teletandem sessions, two foreign language students collaborate online to help the partner learn each other's native language (or language of proficiency) by following principles of foreign language learning in tandem ( ).Performative Theory ( ), in turn, can shed light on the constitution of subjectivities of foreign language students who use this kind of situated online webcam based interaction - teletandem. Although Butler's work focuses on gender identity and categories that are constituted in discursive practices, her Performative Theory can help us to obtain a perspective of teletandem student interactions as performatively constituting national identities, such as being Brazilian or being American.This paper therefore adopts the perspectives of Performativity Theory in the analysis of a teletandem interaction between two university students (one Brazilian and one American). This analysis foregrounds one aspect of teletandem interaction activities over others. TeletandemThe tandem principles of autonomy, reciprocity, and no mixture of the two languages were adapted to a virtual environment mediated by text, voice, image, and message software, such as Skype, Windows Live Messenger, and OoVoo, among others.
Which was given the name of teletandem, as previously defined by Telles & Vassalo,;;. Subsequent research (,;; ) has shown that online teletandem interactions commonly include a wide range of language-related episodes, in which students stop the flow of conversation events to focus on the use of language, lexicon, and/or on meaning negotiation ( ).
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