War Of The Ninepenny Kings

  1. Account Of The War Of The Ninepenny Kings

The Band of Nine, also known as the Ninepenny Kings by Drafturgy Jaehaerys II Targaryen, who had succeeded his father upon the Iron Throne in 259 AC, recognized the threat the Band of Nine posed and sent a large force to the Stepstones, bringing the war to them.

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The War of the Ninepenny Kings fascinates me greatly. However, I feel that it doesn't get discussed as much as it should.

  1. Basically, Maelys 'the Monstrous' Blackfyre is the last male Blackfyre. According to the unreliable narrator (all GoT narrators are unreliable to a degree) whom we hear about him from, he was a grotesque, hunchbacked monstrosity who had a misshapen head budding from his neck.
  2. Game of Thrones Histories and Lore - War of the Ninepenny Kings by Brother Ray. Brother Ray recounts the War of the Ninepenny Kings.

This is for a variety of reasons, its seen as a continuation of the four Blackfyre wars that came before and it is sometimes overshadowed by the Dance of the Dragons. So I want to really sink my teeth into this conflict.

This won't go to deep into the military specifics, as a history and political science student the reasons for and the effects of the aftermath interest me more.The Band of NineThe origins of the war are extremely interesting. Here we have Essos which for all intents and purposes has been divided since the fall of the Valyrian Freehold. Then around 258 AC something changes.

A group of nine seemingly unrelated people join forces. The nine are as follows. The Old Mother: A pirate queen.

Samarro Saan: A pirate from a well known family of Pirates from Lys. Xhobar Qhoqua: An exiled prince from the Summer Islands who lead a sellsword company. Liomond Lashare: A captain of a sellsword company. Spotted Tom: A Westorsi captain of a sellsword company in the Dispusted Lands.

Derrick Fossoway: An exiled Westorsi knight. Nine Eyes: Leader of a pirate organization called the Jolly Fellows. Alequo Adarys: A wealthy Tyroshi merchant prince. Maelys Blackfyre: Leader of the Golden CompanySo why did they unite? This is a group with one main thing in common.money. The group is pretty much composed of merchants and business owners.

This works with their stated goal of carving their own kingdom out for themselves. A quick and easy way to make money is to have land and subjects. So its safe to assume that the initial reason for this group of misfits and exiles to join is at least initially economic.Audacity in the Disputed LandsThe Band of Nine is clearly a clever group which is evident in their first offensive. They don't target one of the Free Cities outright but instead seize the Disputed Lands. This makes sense for a variety of reasons. Spotted Tom's company is stationed in the Disputed Lands, all the Free Cities are divided on control of this territory, Myr, Tyrosh and Lys have been fighting for the Dusputed Lands for centuries, and its separated from the other Free Cities to the north. The Nine's second action was to seize Tyrosh and install Alequo Adarys as its dictator.

Tyrosh's role as a port city is also important do the the fact that three of the Nine have naval oriented forces. Here the Band of Nine is at the height of its power. It should be noted that the other free cities don't immediately unite to stop the Nine. This was likely due to several factors including distance, lack of strategic interests, and inability to cooperate(Pentos and Braavos disagreed over slaverly.)The Blackfyre StrategemAfter the Nine achieves victory in Essos, Maelys Blackfyre convinces the other eight leaders to aid him in a conquest of Westeros. The group agrees and embarks on a strategy that resembles that of the Kingdom of the Three Daughters during the War for the Stepstones.

In that particular conflict the Three Daughters defeated a Westorsi force that was augmented by dragons. The Band of Nine then successfully captures the Stepstones.A Royal ReactionThe capturing of the Stepstones with a Blackfyre force understandably catches the attention of King's Landing. Before many in the capital didn't appear to take the Band of Nine seriously as evidenced by Duncan Targaryen.Crowns were being sold nine a penny.This resulted in the Ninepenny King moniker that was clearly insulting the mercantile nature of the Nine. However, King Jaehaerys II immediately understood the threat and in 260 AC launched a preemptive strike to remove the threat on the Stepstones. The action is successful and Maelys is killed by Ser Barristan Selmy. However, it would take six more years to defeat the Nine's holdings in Essos.AftermathThe greatest repercussion of this war would be 22 years later during Robert's Rebellion. But how could a war like this lead to insurrection?

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Take a look at World War Two, in the United Kingdom the role of government completely changes towards a welfare state and in America an entire generation of politicians had the war in common which many believe was the cause of Republican and Democratic unity in the 1950s into the 1990s. Not satisfied? The War of 1812 ushered in the Era of Good Feelings which politically united America for eight years. Still not good enough? The Hundred Years War completely changed England and France's notion of nationalism. While war can be the most polarizing force in politics, it can also be the most binding.

The War of the Ninepenny Kings brought together men from around the realm in one cause. Bryden Tully, Gerold Hightower, Tywin Lannister, Barristan Selmy, Aerys II Targaryen, several Baratheons, Rickard Stark, and even Quellon Greyjoy served in the war. Below is a breakdown of how each house was changed by the war.House BaratheonThe biggest impact leading to this was the death of Robert Baratheon's grandfather Ormund.

Ormund had several critical links to the Targaryens as he served as Jaehaerys's Hand, married Rhaelle Targaryen, and was given the honor of commanding the expeditionary force. The fact that his son Steffon and Barristan who's house is of the Stormlands served implies to me that there was a great deal of Baratheon commitment. Ormund and later Steffon's death would sever the close ties between House Targaryen and House Baratheon.House TargaryenAnother critical death is that of King Jaehaerys II himself.

While he died two years after the war consider this. His reign was only three years and he was only thirty seven. I submit that the stress of office lead to the steep decline of Jaehaerys' health. To prove my point look at before and after pictures of Presidents during eventful periods of history. Lincoln and even Obama show a noticeable changes in appearance. The stress of war wasn't the only thing weighing on Jaehaerys II.

One need look to the realm he inherited from his predecessor Aegon V. During Aegon's reign the realm saw the Fourth BlackFyre Rebellion. The crown was forced to intervene in the Westerlands several times. His failure regarding marriage betrothals angered the Baratheon's, Tullys, Redwynes, and Tyrells. Even Aegon's positive actions such as his reforms to aid the smallfolk resulted in some lords labeling him a tyrant.

This was the realm Jaehaerys II inherited. It was up to him to unite a fractured realm and defeat a hostile threat. Future King Aerys Targaryen would also serve in the war as a squire.House LannisterTytos Lannister didn't fight in the war which fits the profile we have of him. Instead Tytos' brother Jason Lannister leads 10,000 Westerland soldiers into battle. While Jason would die in battle Tywin would serve with distinction and later knighted a young Prince Aerys Targaryen.

War Of The Ninepenny Kings

Twyin was perhaps the most changed by the war. During the conflict he became familiar with the weak reputation of his house. A battle hardened Tywin would later seek to restore his house's reputation by any means.House TullyA young Brynden Tully would become one of the heroes of the war. When he returned from the war he refuses orders from his brother to marry Bethany Redwyne. This missed opportunity would have tied the Riverlands to a powerful ally. Perhaps more importantly is the war introduces Hoster Tully to a little known house from the Fingers.House ArrynWe know Jon Arryn served in the war and interacted with Baratheons, Starks, Tullys and Lannisters.

Whether or not Southron Ambitions is an accurate theory one cannot dispute the greater degree of connectivity between the great houses all of which occurs after the War of Ninepenny Kings. Consider at the outset of Robert's Rebellion that Steffon Baratheon is dead and Rickard Stark has just been murdered. Who takes the lead? Jon Arryn does as he his first to call his banners and I would bet that he was the architect of his and Eddard's marriage of the Tully sisters.

The relations between Hoster and Jon likely made this deal go smoother. In addition to this Jon Arryn fosters Ned and Robert.House StarkI find this one the strangest. When considering the North, Southron Ambitions make little sense. The North openly disdains the South for its comforts but also its tendency towards intrigue.

One only need look at the past members of the Small Council to see that before Eddard only one Cregan Stark holds a seat and that can be attributed to the Dance of Dragons(During which House Stark and the North were almost not considered to be strategical useful). The Greatjon said it best himselfWhy should they rule over me and mine, from some flowery seat in Highgarden or Dorne? What do they know of the Wall or the wolfswood or the barrows of the First Men?

Even their gods are wrong. The Others take the Lannisters too, I’ve had a bellyful of them. Why shouldn’t we rule ourselves again?So in many ways the Starks change their tune more than any House.ConclusionThe biggest result of the War of the Ninepenny Kings was the education it provided to the Tullys, Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, Greyjoys, and Arryns.

Without them the crown would have been unable to defeat the Band of Nine and that as a united force they have a great deal of power. To put it simply 'The Targaryens need us a hell of a lot more than we need them.' The end of the Blackfyre's may have been a decisive Targaryen victory and Jaehaerys II did indeed unite the realm albeit with unforeseen blow back. And This sets the stage for Robert's Rebellion and the War of Five Kings. The War of the Ninepenny Kings is arguably the biggest catalyst for our story.

Another result from the War of 9penny Kings is relevant to the future. During this war, Barristan did not just slay Maelys but ' he cut a path through the the Golden Company'. Now they are in Westeros with fAegon while Barry is in Essos with dreams of heading back to Westeros. How will he react to uniting with the GC?

And what advice will he give to Dany in regards to the Golden Company? If the war of 9penny Kings did not occur it would be no big deal, but this may create doubts and divisions for any combined GC/Dany force.

Blackfyre rebellion

'Black or red, a dragon is still a dragon'I think this holds true to the GC. Most of them either are second+ generation exiles, or new ones and they don't really care who it is they're getting to Westeros on the back on, it's the money + opportunity + spoils of war that motivates them.If fAegon is true, then the only people that really know he is fake (actually knowledge, not suspicion) would by Illyrio and Varys.

The former leader of the GC and JonCon's conspirator certainly didn't know (afawk). About Aegon and Golden Company - there are two possibilities: Aegon may be Targaryen or Blackfyre. If he is Blackfyre, then it's understandable that GC would follow him. But if he is Targaryen then it means that there are no Blackfyres lefts.

Joining trueborn Targaryen is something GC would do in such situation, I think. After all they all want to return to home as a band of exiles.Someone may ask why they didn't back up Viserys and Dany then - well, they were just a half-mad non-charismatic teenager and a child back then and Westeros was way more stable than now. I don't agree with the conclusion but it is an interesting analysis nonetheless.I don't think all those houses realised 'United we can Rule' because that isn't what happened at all.Tywin had his friendship with Aerys out of it, that certainly helped him advance his station and improve the standing of House Lannister.Also Hoster meeting LF's grandad (dad?) was huge too for the game of thrones Westeros is in now. Tully-Arryn-Stark-Baratheon relations improving may have helped but remember Arryn fostered the boy first, the betrothals and alliance with Tully came after.So yes, BotNPK did help shape the current world at the start of the books, I'm just not sold on the huge effect your claiming or that it was that really big an influence.


Account Of The War Of The Ninepenny Kings

Well the fact that Rickard and Steffon die which sparks off a war likely watered down Southron Ambitions(if you believe it).To highlight the plans of these Lords look at House Stark. Culturally and geographically they rarely participate in Southron affairs. But after the war the begin sending sons away to be fostered and make marriage plans with Southron Houses. This is just plain unusual and strongly suggests some kind of power play. Now I wouldn't include Tywin in the concept of unity in the sense that the Starks, Tullys, Arryns, and Baratheons held it. This particular war's biggest impact on Tywin was his relationship with his father and the development of his leadership style.

Starks married outside of the North before didn't they? Rickard's grandmother was a Blackwood and I'm sure there's a Royce of the Vale in there somewhere.It's not like the Great Houses inter-marrying is that new a concept in the present day, after all it's exactly what Egg was trying to achieve with the initial betrothal of his children.Even if it's not the norm in the North, it would be fairly common for the others, and if Rickard was now friends with Jon and Hoster, would be more of a natural progression to that stage of their children being married off, rather than part of a grand conspiracy which I think is the important thing to note here. Maybe I'm just being too skeptical. It was also whoever was Regent at Storm's End who sent Robert to Jon, after Steffon had died, so his role in the conspiracy would have been limited at best.I think Tywin's relationship with his father was already bad before this. Remember he spoke out against him when he was just 10. He also became friends with Aerys and Steffon just after that time, when they were kids so that predates the WotNPK.

It was after that, once Tywin has gained respect of others and a better reputation, that he started restoring his family's 'honor'.So to me the link goes something like:Aerys - Tywin - SteffonSteffon - Hoster - Rickard - JonJon - Robert - Ned.

This is an old version of the map! V3.5 is posted on the workshop.Welcome to War of the Ninepenny Kings! This is a Diplomacy map inspired by Bidderlyn's GoT Overhaul. Credit to Euron Naharis for his unit reskins and to Genghis Quan for making a Dataset for this map (Download Ninepenny Dataset V0.2 by Genghis Quan if you want to play with unit reskins and changes to walling). To Win, Collect 7 relics and garrison them for 10 minutes straight.P1: House Blackfyre (Blue Vikings)P2: House Lannister (Red Britons)P3: House Tyrell (Green Franks)P4: House Baratheon (Yellow Teutons)P5: Pentos (Teal Slavs)P6: House Martell (Purple Saracens)P7: Myr (Grey Italians)P8: House Targaryen (Orange Byzantines)Many years before the War of the Five Kings, the Seven Kingdoms were ruled by the Targaryens in Kings Landing. Across the Narrow Sea, descendents of a past king's illegitimate son, the Blackfyres prepare to openly challenge Targaryen rule and attempt to take the crown for themselves.

But in the shadows, Lords across Westeros are hatching plots of their own now that the Targaryen's military might is fading along with the corpses of their Dragons. The Free Cities aren't unaware of the turmoil and look to take advantage of the wars ahead as peace falls apart in the west.Your faction is one of many seeking to collect the relics thats spawn at Kings Landing every 20 minutes. Every Player begins with one relic (one random player begins with two). More can be found around the map if you search for them. While the Targaryens begin the game as Kings, any player, at any time can take the crown from them and declare themselves King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Simply Destroy the Red Keep and build your own castle on top to convert the city to your faction's color. Next place your Faction Leader (see hints) in the flags at the castle to crown him King!When a player is crowned (or begins) as King, he is given three unique features that will help him in his rule:- A King has the ability to appoint a Hand of the King from one of the Faction Leaders by standing in front of the statue next to the Red Keep to confirm the leader in the flags. The Hand will gain resources for the King and himself as long as he stays in Kings Landing.- A King has the ability to appoint Heroes to his Kingsguard (See Hints) by standing at the statue next to the Red Keep to confirm a Hero in the flags.

The player who sent the Hero will be compensated and the Hero will switch colors.- A King has the ability to appoint a Lord Commander from one of his Kingsguard by placing the hero in front of the statue next to the Red Keep. The player who originally gave the Hero is compensated with 3000 gold.Every Castle on the map has its own special unit (See Hints) that can be purchased by placing a petard inside of the flags/torches next to the castle. Also, every castle generates income for its owner every 15 mins.Sellsword Companies can be hired at their respective camps by placing your Faction Leader (See Hints) in front of the main tent and paying 10k or 15k gold to the mercenaries.Every faction except the Targaryens have a special item (palisade wall piece with name of item) that can be picked up by any unit when the wall is destroyed and the unit is placed in the area it was.Players can hire Faceless Assassins at the House of Black and White with their Faction Leader and 7500 gold. They can assassinate any other players Faction Leader for you.Every Game, one player is randomly chosen to be the One True King.

This player receives a free bonus and can open the Ancient Ruins in Essos with their Faction Leader.Your Princess can marry the King at the Great Sept of Baelor(WiP), be traded for another Faction Heir (See Hints) at your capital (after 1 hour of game time), or be sold to the Brothel in Braavos for a large sum of gold.There is a civilian limit of 20 + 3 trade cogs, transport ships don't count as civilians. There is also a limit of 20 towers and 5 of each military building (barracks, stable, archery range, siege workshop, and dock). When each is passed, those buildings will start breaking down.There is a military unit tax of 2400 food and 1200 gold at 100 units.If you would like to disable limits/taxes have the Targaryen player (Orange) place Jonothor Darry in front of the Great Sept of Baelor in the first 5 mins of game time.