Rogers Dynasonic Snare Drum Dating
D955413 is a COB 5x14 Dynasonic with Solid-top knobs. The D955413 came with a large set of five ply drums, D96342x was a 13' five ply tom in that set. I did discuss this number series in the guide. The D96xxxx and D97xxxx were used at odd times throughout the XP8 era. Drums with early period and drums with late period characteristics are both seen. Mar 15, 2017 - Rogers' most iconic contribution to the history of drum innovation is without a doubt the dynasonic snare. This strainer system pioneered the.
Hi all new to the site and new to the vintage drum thing in general.a couple questions if any one can helpfirst is there an media out there that at least brackets approximate time frames for rogers snares based on serial numberssecond.does anyone know if the ladder type snare frame is the only snare frame used by rodgers for the dynasonic or did they eventually go to the square snare frame later in 70's.I have what I thought was a 60's vintage dynasonic but it has a square snare frame and the attachments on the lower rim are not screwed on but part of the rim itselfanybody help. On early Dynas (C0B) the bottom hoop did have 2 removable pieces on either side of the hoop. As the years progressed, the hoop became one piece entirely.
I have a Dyna with a 20,000 range serial, and I have the removable piece type. I have other Dynas around 50,000 that do not. I would guess yours is in the 70-76 region. Very early Dynas had the clockface strainer, if yours has that then approx. There was a slotted snare guard that could move up and down as well.
If your bottom hoop is all solid and an oval badge, it might be one of the last ovals before the change to the 'Big R' series.Others will chime in, Tommyp is pretty knowledgeable in the Rogers area, he is man consumed by the Rogers bug, helluva guy too.Serial numbers are odd with Rogers, from what I've heard. I don't know of anyone who has a date/time stamp of serials available, if there was one, I'd be willing to have one too.BTW, they are great snares, IMHO. Kjklives2ride!Actually, yes to both your questions. What is the serial number of your Dynasonic? I have a very accurate listing/compilation of number's/dates. These were put together over a long period of time with a LOT of personal research as well as input/discussion with a few of my Roger's bretheren.
What's your serial number? Regarding the snare frame:The design was indeed changed, and I believe at around 1976 with the introduction of the Big 'R' badge as the actual snare guard was also changed this year. This design stayed in place until the drum was discontinued.BBK!Thanks for chiming in and the nice words! Most certainly want to see your Blue Strata Pearl set when you're finished!Tommyp. Kjklives2ride!Dating info:Dynasonic #9378 falls squarely in the 1966 model year, and if a COB, should have 7 lines and Beavertail lugsDynasonic #51255 would be right around 1974 and be a 5 line with Beavertail lugs as wood models were discontinued a year prior.Regarding snare frame warping/set-up: Yes, you are quite correct. IF the frame is warped and doesn't lay FLAT, no amount of tensioning/tuning will ever get the drum to play/sound right at all.
The snare frames have to be perfectly flat. Otherwise their ability to make contact with the bottom head is compromised and you end up with a 'buzz bomb' for a snare drum.
Rogers Dynasonic Snare Drum History
I have been most fortunate as all my Dynasonics. ( two wood and two COB ). All have perfect snare frames.
Rogers Tower Snare
Your thought to 'square' yours up is correct. Do what you can to get it to lay flat. It will make ALL the difference in the sound of that drum! NOS Rogers snare frames can be still purchased if you have no success, but they are a tad pricey. In the $100.00 range.
I'll attach a few pics of my 1965 Rogers COB/7line Dynasonic. Your 1966 should look like this one.Tommyp. Kjklives2ride.All my Dynasonics are original with OEM parts. The tension screw is just a regular steel screw with the very ends chrome plated, most probably for aesthetics I would think, thus, you could easily get a replacement screw at any well stocked hardware store as it is a standard American thread. These Rogers Dynasonic tension screws do come available now and then on eBay, and if memory serves, there was a guy making replacements out of stainless steel with a BIN price on them.
Rogers Dynasonic Snare Drum Dating Video
They looked quite nice!Tommyp. Hi everyone - my first post here but surely not my last. I know you must get these all the time, but I am trying to get a hold of a 5' COB luddy/rogers snare relatively cheaply (not easy in Australia) and someone has listed this as a 'Rogers 380'. It looks like a quality drum but have no idea how to identify and couldn't find it in your identification section which is probably a bad sign.If anyone can help it would be much appreciated and probably save me from overpaying for something that won't give me the sound I want! From what I read the 380s may have been a substandard Japanese manufactured drum?Thanks,Adam.