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Free COMO CONVERTER JOGOS PARADOX CK2 EU4 VIC2 HOI4 PT BR mp3. Explore Paradox Interactive' s newest games; Stellaris, Hearts of Iron, Cities:.
Rules for CKII section1) No one plays as the same dynasty as a prior player. While limiting long term plays, this makes up for it in people being able to choose rulers based on how much free time they have, and would allow for a variety of perspectives on the world. One player's ruler's glorious expansion of a nation could be regarded as the next player's ruler as a horrific nightmare.1a) If you get a second turn later on, you may only select a new dynasty if your prior dynasty has completely died off or there are no playable members of that dynasty. Might as well see where your dynasty ended up over the years since you last had a turn, as it is likely to get lost as people focus on their own. Maybe you'll find it fell on hard times and only you can bring it back to glory.2) Do not use Conclave.
While Monks and Mystics does need to be checked, Conclave is the only DLC thus far known to lock players out if they don't have the DLC. With the rest (Monks and Mystics unknown), any combination of DLC can load up a save file, from vanilla to having all but Conclave enabled (M&M unknown if true), but Conclave prevents the save file from being loaded by people who do not have the DLC.3) When getting close to the end date of 1453, in order to get a turn, you must own the EUIV converter DLC. We're wanting to convert the save over, so we want someone who owns the DLC to have the turn when we reach the end date so that it can be converted. Crusader Kings II1) King Baeivi of Kola (Player: Zanzetkuken the Great) (Dynasty: Guoladat ) (Time: January 1, 769 - October 13, 796) (Posts: See below)2) King Snorri of Ireland (Player: Tawa) (Dynasty: av Alfheim ) (October 13, 796 - July 9, 826) (Posts: )3) Emir Aghlab of Azd Umanid Emirate (Player: LordBrassRoast)(Dynasty: Azd Umanid ) (July 9, 836 - May 21, 833)(Posts: )4) Maharaja Gopala II 'The Inquisitor' of Pala Kingdom (Player: Persus13)(Dynasty: Pala (May 21, 833 - January 20, 845)(Posts: )5) Khagan Fereedun of Khwatawch (Player: Cicero)(Dynasty: Khwatawch. King Baeivi of Kola was a powerful individual who rapidly rose to power from his tribes among the bay of Kola. Through his actions, much of the northern, eastern, and western regions of Scandinavia were united under a singular ruler. The little in the east that did not belong to this king either belonged to his ally in southern Scandinavia, the King of Danmark Porolfr the Shadow, his neutral acquantance, High Chief of Ilmen Rodislav the Wise, his foe, King of Sweden Hogne the Devil, or the small land held by Snorri of Alfheimr.Events of note during his reign are the Manichean faith overtaking Zoroastrianism, the Ionoclast faith overtaking Orthodoxy, and the establishment of the Shia Caliphate of Nizamid.
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Further, the Kingdom of France broke away from the lands of Middle Francia after succession, the Kingdom of Prussia was formed under Bezprzym 'the Chaste' of Prussia, and the subjugation of Saxony by King Karl. The last of these three managed to secure independence soon after the King had been killed by the Jewish soldier of the Khazar Band, Meshulam of Dhrol. The most notable aspect of Baeivi's reign is that it is commonly regarded that the rapid expansion of his Sami Suomenusko state was one of the reasons behind the start of the Viking Age near the end of his reign. I'd love to take the next game.
I was initially thinking taking the king of Sweden could be interesting, but on second thought I'd rather not wreck the precarious beginnings of a Suomenusko nation (seriously, I envy you. I get destroyed whenever I play in Finland.)Instead, I think I'll see if I can do a Prepared Invasion of Northumbria as Ragnarr Loðbrok (or maybe Snorri of Alfheim, since he's independent and not in jail at game start.) That sound alright? I figure I'll do a Rurik of Russia-style thing and adopt Catholicism, perhaps adopting Anglo-Saxon culture somewhere along the way. Get a leader with Brave, Inspiring Leader, Unyielding, and a decent martial score as soon as possible. The Morale Defense plus the increased Morale of the religion means that your soldiers just won't go down (seriously, I was in a shock phase for several days, best I could get was around 30, while an enemy near parity was regularly getting 100. Took weeks for the morale to lose 1/6, and they were almost beaten. I wasn't defending during that either.
And in another battle, I was again attacking and, at one point, struck by both the center and both flanks by forces that outnumbered mine. Morale barely budged an inch.)Admittedly, the conquests before I had those largely boiled down to 'I am the only one with a decent Martial Score and multiple pieces of land around here.'
Starting lands of Kola are a bit.weak, to say the least. So, the prepared invasion route didn't go quite as planned.
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As it turns out, a prepared invasion counts as a holy war, and doesn't give you nearly enough troops to deal with an entire army of Christians going buddy-buddy over each other. I went instead for the much safer route of uniting Ireland via conquest.I turned off Monks and Mystics to play it safe, although my lack of Horse Lords gave me a minor surprise when I saw that Khazaria was still Nomadic (they kept spamming me marriage offers for some reason.) Alongside a frig-ton of graphical DLC, I'm running a couple of graphical mods (Saxons use German Faces, Western Slavs use Russian Faces, Foal Portraits, that kind of thing,) but I don't think that should interfere with the ability to reopen the save (since they don't change the checksum.). Snorri av Alfheim Saw the start of an ageAll the Norse had bowed At the feet of the ShadowOr swore their strength On the sword of the DevilOr were driven away Out by the Reindeer KingSwore Snorri to be a king So to never bow to anotherThus reads his tale That of tragedy and triumphIn the land of Eire It was poor and pitiableThey say the men lived in dirt That the women ate ground stoneYet this land was a start Yea, a place to forge kingsSo Snorri did sail So Snorri did conquerAnd lo! Snorri did conquer All lands of StrangfjorðrHe called himself king Had become known for his deedsThen he continued his conquest To one day rule all EireDuring his conquest Did he sire a son;Rognvaldr av Alfheim Robust and mighty was he to beLo! For he conquered Irland Like he had sworn many moons priorA name had Snorri made As a feared warrior and good kingBut his ambition Borne of the starsSent him beyond Irland Seeking new shoresHe took land in Wales He conquered the Isle of MannAnd he did sire a second son A boy born of woman not marriedHroðgar the Young Holy yet unwholeSnorri ruled well So for five yearsHe was king High in IrelandAnd yea!
For Snorri had Adored that landAnd knowing love At the people he ruledSnorri left his hall So he could live in IrlandThe great king left Norway To spend his days in EireAnd he did give to his friend Akershus, his hallBut Snorri did speak unto him: 'Baldr, I trust you AkershusAnd its hinterlands and retinues Akershus, high hall of RaumarikiYou must swear to me Yea, use them for goodBring light to the world Be an explorer, a hero, a kingAnd make these men proud As their king and friendFriend, this you must swear.' For Snorri knew a life with no legacy is a life wastedBaldr did swear 'Yea, I shall use this hall Bardels and triumphs bothAnd seek glory and honor.' Europe is a pretty different place thirty years later. Additional note: man, it feels really tense when you're only allowed to play as one guy. I was really afraid of dying prematurely before accomplishing any of my goals.
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At least in the end, I managed to do almost everything I wanted to once I dropped my ambitions on England: united Ireland, moved capital to Ireland, and swapped to Christian alongside my vassals. I'd have turned Irish, too, but I want Snorri's descendants to be able to milk Norse culture for everything it's worth. The only thing I missed was going feudal, and even that was only because I kept forgetting to increase tribal organization.