Bystronic Press Brake Tooling Catalogue


Standard sizes Solid pieces 100, 200, 300, 500 mmSectioned set 550 mmComplete sets for lengths: 1050, 1250, 2050, 2550, 3050, 4050 mm Key features All tools are made in Italy with high-quality materialsMaterial types: C45 or 42CrMo4Contact areas quenched 55-60 HRCFast delivery deadlinesBig variety of standard tools and custom manufacturing Supplies Punches 86°, 60°, 28°Dies 86°, 84°, 60°, 30°Hemming / Flattening setsElongation adaptersBending tools for radius bendsBending tools for Z-bendsAdapters for use of tools of other press brake systems.

Bystronic Press Brake Reviews

Boutillon, Bystronic-Beyeler Euro-B, Coastone, Colgar. Dener, Deratech. R1 Dies Rolleri Type R1 are compatible with press brakes: With the use of adapters. Wilson Tool leads the industry with service, quality and innovation. With a full selection of precision and American Planed press brake tooling styles and clamping technology, we manufacture state-of-the-art tooling to increase your productivity and efficiency.