Dawn Of War Soulstorm Race Unlocker
Plz help me unlock all races in Soulstorm (self.dawnofwar) submitted 2 years ago by adiletk Hello guys bought dow soulstorm couple of days ago to play multiplayer like old days and it turns out i can only play dark eldar (which i love) and sister of battle (meh) unless i buy previous games.
Video version:I had the same old issue, no keys and no access to any of the wa/dc races. Here I am going to post the way around it.There are 2 options, you either go into the registry and add each games respective keys via that, however if you have no idea what you're doing then I highly recommend not using this method.Ok so for those who do know the registry (do not try this if you don't, another method will be below). Browse to the games' key (HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeTHQ for 64 bit, HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARETHQ for 32 bit (I believe, don't have a 32 bit OS available atm). If you have any questions at this point, go to the second method.In Dawn of War, add a string called CDKEYWXP and set value data to 57a4-fae0-7611-1504-fa90.In Dark Crusade, add a string called CDKEY and set value data to 8c34-5670-91a4-c2f2-bfca.Launch Winter Assault and Dark Crusade then Soulstorm and the races should be there.The second method involved downloading something to edit this for you, which some people don't like hence I added manual instructions.
Originally posted by:I followed all the steps in the first method opened the game and it asked for the two cs keys (winter assualt and dark crusade). I went to view the cd key so i could get it to copy it in and it just doesnt appear and says processing request. I apologise for how complicated my situation is.
Thanks If you used the race unlocker already sorry for being late but I had the same issue as you but I just deleted the string and instead of copy and pasting it (which I assume you did) I wrote the key down and it worked for me. Originally posted by Kritya:I had the same old issue, no keys and no access to any of the wa/dc races. Here I am going to post the way around it.There are 2 options, you either go into the registry and add each games respective keys via that, however if you have no idea what you're doing then I highly recommend not using this method.Ok so for those who do know the registry (do not try this if you don't, another method will be below). Browse to the games' key (HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeTHQ for 64 bit, HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARETHQ for 32 bit (I believe, don't have a 32 bit OS available atm). If you have any questions at this point, go to the second method.In Dawn of War, add a string called CDKEYWXP and set value data to 57a4-fae0-7611-1504-fa90.In Dark Crusade, add a string called CDKEY and set value data to 8c34-5670-91a4-c2f2-bfca.Launch Soulstorm and the races should be there.The second method involved downloading something to edit this for you, which some people don't like hence I added manual instructions.
Soulstorm - Race Unlocker Blood for the Blood God! IntroductionSoulstorm-RaceUnlocker is a Tool for Dawn of War - Soulstorm based in VB.NET 2013.This Tool unlocks all races of every Add-On in Dawn of War - Soulstorm without installing them.So you just need Soulstorm installed but you need a valid serial number for each other expansion! Preview imageRequirements.
Soulstorm Race Unlocker Steam
Platform: Windows (32/64bit). Supported: 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.NET Framework ≥ 4.0. MS Visual Studio Express ≥ 2012 (only for development)InstallJust run the.
Dawn Of War Soulstorm Cd Key Steam
No installation required. How to use. Start the. Insert your serial numbers of each expansion and for Soulstorm. Select the installation location of Soulstorm. Click Unlock, done!Now you should be able to play Dawn of War - Soulstorm and select each race without installed expansions.If you get an error, you should take a look at the 'Race Unlocker Log.log' at your desktop.The log contains all informations about what's going on while installing.
Reporting issuesUse the Github Issuetracker to report a bug. Make sure to include the.log file. Submitting fixesFixes are submitted as pull request via Github or as code in a issue. CopyrightCopyright (C) 2013-2018 byCopyright (C) 2008-2009 by n0 Belial2003, from dow.4players.de Forum (offline now)License.