Portal Test Chamber 18 Advanced

  1. Portal 2 Test Chamber 18
  2. Portal Test Chamber 18 Advanced Walkthrough
  3. Portal 2 Chamber 18

Test Chamber 18 - You Will Be Baked Shoot a portal on the ceiling over the floor across the pit, then use a wall portal to drop over to that side. Once you land, there is a tall white wall that you can see.

I would like to say that, so far, this mod has been amazing. The puzzles are just challenging enough to make me have to think for a while, but not too much. Until now.I am stuck on the very first test chamber in Chapter 3.

I have figured out exactly what I have to do, other than how to get the cubes past the large emancipation grill in order to place them on the buttons.Now, I might have missed the simplest thing because it already happened once to me in this mod. I was at the hatch override puzzle. I got to the control room and quickly figured out that I had to hit the two switches quickly. However, after doing this, nothing happened.

I was confused and thought there was a bug or something, so I restarted the entire puzzle. I got back to the control room after doing the puzzle all over again only to realize that there was a third switch in the middle of the room.facepalm.What I'm trying to say is. I looked at the walkthrough and it turns out it was a simple thing.

I also figured something else out. My game COMPLETELY skipped the intro sequence. '.that's why chapter 2 was the first one mentioned.'

Portal 2 Test Chamber 18

SO I'm going to be posting something else about that tomorr. Or, technically, today.


Page Tools.Testchamber 15You need to get past the large, incandescent particle field that blocks off the opposite half of the room. However, you cannot simply shoot a portal through the particle field. Instead, you'll need to use a momentum jump to reach the other side of the room. Look overhead for a panel of wall that juts out near the ceiling. Fire a blue portal onto the wall panel.Next, fire an orange portal onto the ground. You want to place the orange portal centered with the blue portal—use the white icons on the ground as a guide. Drop through the orange portal to spit out of the blue portal above, and as you fall to the ground aim yourself to fall through the orange portal again.

Having dropped from the higher, blue portal, you'll have built up momentum to carry through on your second portal warp. The momentum will fling you through the incandescent particle field and to the other side of the room.Continue into the next portion of the testchamber where you'll find two incandescent particle fields that separate a high energy pellet dispenser and the pellet receptor. First, fire an orange portal onto the wall that the energy pellet is bouncing against (place the portal directly on top of the black mark on the wall). With the first portal placed, shoot a blue portal onto the same wall, five tiles over (to the left). The placement of the blue portal should warp the high energy pellet and send it through the incandescent particle field that houses the pellet receptor.This next part of the puzzle is tricky. Wait for the energy pellet to warp its way to the half of the room with the pellet receptor.

Quickly pass through the incandescent particle field to stand next to the receptor and fire an orange portal onto the black mark on the wall that shows where the energy pellet hits. Place the blue portal on the ceiling above the pellet receptor, using the faint red light as a guide for the placement. The pellet should warp through the wall and come out of the ceiling the enter the receptor.The receptor activates a platform in the room that'll take you to a third part of the testchamber. Here you'll need to make another momentum jump to get through the incandescent particle field at the far end of the room. First, place a blue portal on the wall panel that's jutting out near the ceiling.

Portal Test Chamber 18 Advanced Walkthrough

The floor directly below that wall panel will not take an orange portal, so you'll need to find somewhere else to build momentum. Look for a set of stairs along the left wall that lead to a side room.In the side room is a small pit into which you can fire an orange portal. Drop into the pit and into the portal to build momentum that'll carry through as you launch out the blue portal you placed earlier. However, this momentum alone is not enough to get you over the barrier. As you fall towards the ground just in front of the incandescent particle field, fire another orange portal on the ground directly below you.

You'll warp again to the blue portal placed on the wall panel and, with your increased momentum, will have the energy need to launch over the barrier.Once over the barrier, you're met with another barrier and a large incandescent particle field. You'll use another momentum jump to get over the barrier, but this one is much simpler than the jump you just made.

Simply launch a blue portal onto the wall panel far overhead, then place an orange portal on the ground beneath it. Drop through the orange portal to fall out of the blue portal above, then guide yourself back into the orange portal as you fall.

The momentum will launch you over the barrier.This next portion of the room has a couple of angled wall panels, one of which is currently deflected the high energy pellet that bounces across the long room. First, note the black pock mark on the wall to the left that represents the second bounce of the energy pellet. On the wall to the right, place a blue portal on the same spot of the opposite wall. Since that sentence obviously makes no sense, check out the screenshots we've taken.Now place the orange portal on the black pock mark we mentioned earlier—it should be directly opposite the blue portal. The energy pellet will bounce off of the angled wall panel to the left, ricochet into the blue portal, come out the orange portal and then ricochet off of the angled wall panel on the right. Through this miraculous series of events, the energy pellet will be guided into the pellet receptor at the other end of the room.Perform a momentum jump just like before to jump back over the barrier in the center of the room.


To the right is a long hall with a series of moving platforms that are now activated by the energy pellet receptor you just triggered. Look down the hall and fire a blue portal onto the wall, directly below the arrow that points around the corner. Place an orange portal on a nearby wall and peek through to spot an incoming moving platform. Quickly warp through the portals to stand on the incoming platform.Immediately look left and fire your blue portal onto the wall at the end of the hall, again just below the arrow that points around the blind corner. Allow the moving platform to move you back to the main room where you can again peek through the orange portal and wait for another moving platform.

Portal 2 Chamber 18

Step through the portal, onto the platform, and quickly look right to fire a blue portal into the room at the end of the hall. At your leisure, pass through an orange portal to reach the room at the end of the moving platform hall.This testchamber's not over, yet! In the next room, note a pair of lift platforms that'll carry you to a pair of side rooms that overlook the main room with the bouncing energy pellet. In each of these side rooms is a button that opens one of two doors that reveal the energy pellet receptor.

Both switches must be pressed in rapid succession in order to reveal the receptor as the doors are on strict timers and will quickly close themselves.Before you start pressing switches, take some time to prepare by placing a blue portal in the side room to the right and an orange portal in the side room to the left. Ride a lift platform to the side room on the left. Wait for the pellet dispenser to create a fresh pellet, then quickly press the switch in the first room. Immediately go through the portal to reach the opposite side room and press the switch there to fully expose the pellet receptor.You're not finished, yet. Quickly look out into the main room and fire a blue portal onto the far left wall.

There's a small panel jutting out from the wall, which is where you want your portal. Special note: Aim the portal so that it's at the very bottom of this small wall panel. Once you've placed the blue portal, quickly aim for the ground to shoot the orange portal on the black pock mark on the ground.

Portal 2 chamber 18

The energy pellet should pass into the orange portal, out of the blue portal and continue through the opened doors to hit the pellet receptor. The receptor powers a lift platform that leads to the testchamber's exit.